Daily Health Journal-Sept. 28, 2012

Well its been an awesome week health wise.  Nearly a week with very little migraine.  My muscle and joint aches have been far less severe, and my energy level has been up.  I have been helping my grandmother hold an estate sale so I have been having three caffeine drinks a day to be able to make it through the day, but I have been able to.  Still tired by mid evening, but its certainly better than by mid afternoon, or even mid morning.

The worst thing has been the dislocated ribs from the slipping rib syndrome.  I wish I had a monthly chiropractic membership so I could go as often as needed.  I often go a week or two, sometimes longer in rather dibilitation pain, because I simply can’t afford to go to a chiropractor more than a couple of times a month.  Still a couple Aleve and I have been able to get through my responisiblites.  I did have to cancel three shows this weekend, because I know I just don’t have the energy or health to do the shows and the estate sale.  Someday maybe.  If not, its ok.  I think I could live just fine being in just a moderate amount of pain.  The rib pain gets worse at night, when my body is tired and the meds wear off.  I also am sure wearing bras make it worse.    It’s nearly 10 pm now and my breathing is short and shallow because my chest hurts so much with every breath. They have been out for a week now, so I don’t know how much longer I will be able to stand them out.  I already gone to the chiropractor three times this month so I am waiting until we can  afford it.  Its so hard to spend so much money on it as I know its always such a temporary fix.  Still its been a relatively excellent week.  Remicade infusion is next Tuesday.

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Filed under Chronic Pain, Daily Journal, exhuastion, Migraines, slipping rib syndrome

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