It’s not easy being green…

The title of this is a quote from Kermit the frog…and I totally disagree.  I LOVE being green.  Blue feels like a pipe dream, but there are days where green overrides all else.  After a week of having high pain levels, I am so pleased to report a near perfect day yesterday.  (if you don’t know what I mean by being green, its that I rate my pain from blue to purple, where blue is no pain and purple is just kill me now pain.  The last week I was hanging around orange and red all week).

Yesterday when I woke I didn’t even limp when I woke.  There was no pain from lifting what was a heavy toothbrush the day before.  I had planned a short trip to nature that morning, just feet in the ocean, because I am a firm believer that nature heals and I had been away from nature far too long.  We only had a few hours before work to drive to the ocean, and then swing by Leucadia’s farmers markets for some of our favorite healthy treats and to see a couple of friends we were missing.  On the way there I saw a bridge surrounded overgrowth of trees and I just had to stop.  I have a love for cement and architecture and to see it just standing in the middle of an elven forest was amazing.  We walked out on the bridge and watched the swallows and other birds.  I felt well enough that if we had planned the time I would have gone on a little hike.  I made it full circle around the market without needed an arm to lean on and was still feeling green by the time I got to work.  During the day I had a few spikes to yellow, but I just sat by the heater or curled up on the sofa when that happened and they passed without having to take any medicine.  We stayed open late to work on some organizing and by the time I got home at about 7 I was actually able to cook up the exotic mushrooms we found at the farmers market.  I woke today stiff and shuffling like an old lady, but not with a lot of pain, and now just 30 minutes later I am back to green.  Of course now I have all these big plans for what I can do this week, and the first will be to see my dear grandma because thats the one thing I wouldn’t want to miss if the flare up comes rushing back.  It’s so easy being green.

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